Lands of always winter
Lands of always winter

lands of always winter

Barristan Selmy seems to be based upon Gareth Bryne.Robb Stark wore a Crown of Swords just like the Dr.Arya's list paying homage to Rand's List?.How the Red and Purple Weddings and the associated.Why King Robert and Joffrey were killed in the way.Symbolically Is a Ta'veren equal to a Targaryen?.That the dead coming back would be the clearest sign of the Last Battle. The prophecies of the Dragon Reborn stated Myraddraal equate to the Others just like the Trollocs equate to theĭead that the Others use against the armies of men. Using of human souls as the making of Myrddraal swords in the Wheel of The process be similar to that of the making of Lightbringer and the

lands of always winter

Maybe that is the reason they seem to be made of ice crystal, Will How are the swords formed? Maybe we will also find that their swords dissolve away if a White Walker falls in battle making it similar to the tainted swords of the Myrddraal. Thin crystal swords said to be so cold as to shatter any object they We know that the Others are believed to reside in the Land of Is this not reminiscent of the picture above of a Myrddraal leading Trollocs The pictures above show a White Walker leading Wights

Lands of always winter